Sapiengraph User Guide

Sapiengraph adds extra formulas into Google Sheets so you can enrich entities with rich data.

You can:

For example, given a LinkedIn profile URL, you can get the profile's first/last name, or his current employment. Or to resolve an email address to its relevant Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn profiles.


Use case Example use of Sapiengraph formulas Output
Input a person's Profile URL & get their first name =SG_PERSON("", "first_name") "John"
Input a person's LinkedIn profile URL & get a comma-separated list of their personal email addresses =SG_PERSONAL_EMAILS("") "[email protected]"
Input a company's LinkedIn Profile URL & get name of the company =SG_COMPANY("","name") Google
Input an email address & get the owner's LinkedIn Profile URL =SG_REVERSE_EMAIL_LOOKUP("[email protected]") ""
Look up a company from its domain =SG_LOOKUP_COMPANY("Apple")
Input a person's LinkedIn profile URL, get their phone number =SG_PERSONAL_NUMBERS("") "9707495020"
Search a company for its CEO SG_LOOKUP_ROLE("ceo", "microsoft") ""
Input a company's LinkedIn profile URL & get its total number (aka count) of employees =SG_EMPLOYEE_COUNT("") 122800

To see more examples, look at individual formula documentation below.

Getting started

  1. Sign up for an account to claim your 100 free trial credits.
  2. Follow the installation prompts.
  3. Enable Sapiengraph in your first spreadsheet.
  4. Make your first formulas!
    • Try out =SG_COMPANY("","website").
  5. Open the Getting Started Guide at any time if you get stuck!

List of all formulas

Usage Cap

You can create up to 300 formulas per minute. The usage cap resets every 5 minutes, so you can generate up to 1,500 formulas in that 5-minute period.

Pricing model

Sapiengraph runs on a credit system. For most formulas, credits are consumed when the formula is used (when you press enter on the cell). Each formula's credit cost is documented in its formula reference. Keep reading this page to see the individual formula references.

Credits can be purchased through our no-commitment monthly subscription plans.

Person Formulas

Person Lookup


Example 1: =SG_LOOKUP_PERSON("Bill", "")

Example 2: =SG_LOOKUP_PERSON("Bill", "", "Gates", "Seattle", "Co-chair")

Cost: 30 credits

Resolve a Person's LinkedIn profile from their name, company or domain, location, and title.


Parameter Required Description Example
FIRST_NAME yes Person's first name Bill
COMPANY yes Company name or domain
LAST_NAME no Person's last name Gates
LOCATION no The person's location. Name of country, city, or state. Seattle
TITLE no Title the person is holding at their current job Co-chair


Data returned Example
LinkedIn profile URL ""


The accuracy of the profile returned is on a best-effort basis. Results are not guaranteed to be accurate. We are continually improving the accuracy of these endpoints iteratively.

Role Lookup


Example: =SG_LOOKUP_ROLE("ceo", "microsoft")

Cost: 30 credits

Finds the closest (person) profile with a given role at a company. For example, you can use this endpoint to find the CEO of Microsoft.

This function is intended for use when you don't have a LinkedIn URL of your company, and/or find approximate and incomplete results acceptible. If you know the LinkedIn URL and require accurate and complete results, please use the Employees formula.


Parameter Required Description Example
ROLE yes Role of the profile you're looking up ceo
COMPANY yes Name of the company you're searching for microsoft


Data returned Example
LinkedIn Profile URL ""


The accuracy of the profile returned is on a best-effort basis. Results are not guaranteed to be accurate. We are continually improving the accuracy of these endpoints iteratively.

Person Profile Enrichment


Example: =SG_PERSON("", "first_name")

Refer to the Person object.

Cost: 1 credit

Fetch rich data attributes of a person.


Parameter Required Description Example
PROFILE_URL yes Profile URL of the target person. Include the full URL as demonstrated in the example.

Accepted URL : Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter.
PERSON_ATTRIBUTE yes The name of the attribute key you want to enrich with.

Refer to Person for a list of valid attribute keys.


The response of the function depends on the attribute provided.

Person Work History


Example 1: =SG_PERSON_WORK("", "title")

Example 2: =SG_PERSON_WORK("", "title", 1)

Refer to the PersonWorkHistory object.

Cost: 1 credit

Fetch rich data attributes of a person's work history.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL yes LinkedIn profile URL of the target person. Include the full URL as demonstrated in the example.
WORK_HISTORY_ATTRIBUTE yes The name of the attribute key you want to enrich with.

Refer to PersonWorkHistory for a list of valid attribute keys.
INDEX no A profile can have up to ten work history records. The most recent record is the 0th index. The oldest record is the 9th index.

Defaults to 0.


The response of the function depends on the attribute provided.

Person Education History


Example 1: =SG_PERSON_EDUCATION("", "degree_name")

Example 2: =SG_PERSON_EDUCATION("", "degree_name", 2)

Refer to the PersonEducation object.

Cost: 1 credit

Fetch rich data attributes of a person's education history.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL yes LinkedIn profile URL of the target person. Include the full URL as demonstrated in the example.
EDUCATION_ATTRIBUTE yes The name of the attribute key you want to enrich with.

Refer to PersonEducation for a list of valid attribute keys.
INDEX no A profile can have up to ten education records. The most recent record is the 0th index. The oldest record is the 9th index.

Defaults to 0.


The response of the function depends on the attribute provided.

Company Formulas

Employee Count



Cost: 30 credits

Get the current employee count of a target company.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_COMPANY_PROFILE_URL yes URL of the LinkedIn Company profile to target. Include the full URL as demonstrated in the example.


Data returned Example
Employee Count 3002



Example 1: =SG_EMPLOYEES("")

Example 2: =SG_EMPLOYEES("",100,"(co)?-?founder","current")

Cost: 60 credits / employee returned

Fetch a comma-separated list of employees of any target company.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_COMPANY_PROFILE_URL yes URL of the LinkedIn Company profile to target. Include the full URL as demonstrated in the example.
TOTAL_RESULTS no Limit the total results returned. This in turn, will also limit the cost of credits.

Defaults to 100.
JOB_TITLE_KEYWORD no Filter employees by their title by matching the employee's title against a regular expression. If you aren't familiar with regular expressions, you can put a regular word here. CEO
EMPLOYMENT_STATUS no Do you want to query current employees, past employees, or all of them?

Valid values are current, past, and all:

* current (default) : lists current employees
* past : lists past employees
* all : lists current & past employees


Data returned Example
Comma-separated list of Employees represented by their LinkedIn profile URL "",""

Company Lookup


Example 1: =SG_LOOKUP_COMPANY("Apple")

Example 2: =SG_LOOKUP_COMPANY("Apple","US")

Cost: 30 credits

Look up a company's LinkedIn profile URL from company name, domain name, and location.


Parameter Required Description Example
COMPANY_NAME_OR_DOMAIN yes Name or domain of the company that you are looking up. Apple
LOCATION no Where the company is located US


Data returned Example
LinkedIn company profile URL ""

Company Profile Enrichment


Example: =SG_COMPANY("","name")

Refer to the Company object.

Cost: 1 credit

Fetch rich data attributes of a company.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_COMPANY_PROFILE_URL yes LinkedIn profile URL of the target company. Include the full URL as demonstrated in the example.
COMPANY_ATTRIBUTE yes The name of the attribute key you want to enrich with.

Refer to Company for a list of valid attribute keys.


The response of the function depends on the attribute provided.

Company Locations


Example 1: =SG_COMPANY_LOCATIONS("","city")

Example 2: =SG_COMPANY_LOCATIONS("","city",TRUE)

Example 3: =SG_COMPANY_LOCATIONS("","city",FALSE,1)

Refer to the CompanyLocation object.

Cost: 1 credit

Fetch physical business locations of a company.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_COMPANY_PROFILE_URL yes LinkedIn profile URL of the target company. Include the full URL as demonstrated in the example.
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE yes The name of the attribute key you want to enrich with.

Refer to CompanyLocation for a list of valid attribute keys.
HQ no Parameter to declare if you want the HQ returned. Valid values are:
- TRUE(default) - return the HQ
- FALSE - return general locations
INDEX no Instructs the formula to return the Nth entry of the business location. INDEX starts from 0.
Ignored if HQ is set to TRUE.

Instructs the formula to return the Nth entry of the business location. INDEX starts from 0. Ignored if HQ is set to TRUE.


The response of the function depends on the attribute provided.

Company Funding


Example 1: =SG_COMPANY_FUNDING("", "money_raised")

Example 2: =SG_COMPANY_FUNDING("", "money_raised", 1)

Refer to the CompanyFunding object.

Cost: 1 credit

Fetch data on company funding events.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_COMPANY_PROFILE_URL yes LinkedIn profile URL of the target company. Include the full URL as demonstrated in the example.
FUNDING_ATTRIBUTE yes The name of the attribute key you want to enrich with.

Refer to CompanyFunding for a list of valid attribute keys.
INDEX no Instructs the formula to return the Nth entry of company funding events. INDEX starts from 0. 0


The response of the function depends on the attribute provided.

Contact Information Formulas

Personal Contact Number Lookup



Cost: 10 credits / contact number returned

Given a LinkedIn profile, returns a comma-separated list of their personal contact numbers.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL yes LinkedIn profile URL of the target person. Include the full URL as demonstrated in the example.


Data returned Example
Comma-separated list of phone numbers "+1123123123"

Reverse Email Lookup


Example: =SG_REVERSE_EMAIL_LOOKUP("[email protected]")

Cost: 30 credits

Resolve LinkedIn profile correlated from an email address.


Parameter Required Description Example
EMAIL yes Email address of the user you want to look up. [email protected]


Data returned Example
LinkedIn profile URL ""


The accuracy of the profile returned is on a best-effort basis. Results are not guaranteed to be accurate. We are continually improving the accuracy of these endpoints iteratively.

Personal Email Lookup



Cost: 10 credits / email returned

Given a LinkedIn profile, returns a comma-separated list of their personal emails.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL yes LinkedIn profile URL of the target person. Include the full URL as demonstrated in the example.


Data returned Example
Comma-separated list of personal email addresses "[email protected]", "[email protected]"

School Formulas

School Profile Enrichment


Example: =SG_SCHOOL("", "name")

Refer to the Company object, as it has the same attributes like company.

Cost: 1 credit

Fetch rich data attributes of a school.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL yes LinkedIn profile URL of the school. Include the full URL as demonstrated in the example.
SCHOOL_ATTRIBUTE yes The name of the attribute key you want to enrich with.

Refer to Company for a list of valid attribute keys. Note: The categories attribute is not applicable to school enrichment.


The response of the function depends on the attribute provided.

School Locations


Example: =SG_SCHOOL_LOCATIONS("", "city")

Refer to the CompanyLocation object, as it has the same attributes like company.

Cost: 1 credit

Fetch physical locations of a school


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL yes LinkedIn profile URL of the target school. Include the full URL as demonstrated in the example.
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE yes The name of the attribute key you want to enrich with.

Refer to CompanyLocation for a list of valid attribute keys.
INDEX no Instructs the formula to return the Nth entry of the school location. INDEX starts from 0. 0

Instructs the formula to return the Nth entry of the school location. INDEX starts from 0.


The response of the function depends on the attribute provided.

Student Listing


Example: =SG_STUDENT_LISTING("", 10)

Cost: 30 credits per resulted LinkedIn profile URL

Fetch student profile list.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_SCHOOL_URL yes URL of the LinkedIn School Profile to target. URL should be in the format of<public_identifier> .
MAX_RESULT no Tune the maximum results returned per formula execution. Accepted values: 1 to 200000 . Default: 10 . 10
KEYWORD no Filter students by their major using a case-insensitive regular expression. `computer*\
COUNTRY no Limit the result set to a specific country using Alpha-2 ISO3166 country code. us
STATUS no Parameter to specify whether to return current , past , or all students. Default: current . current
SORT_BY no Sort students by matriculation or graduation dates. Valid values: recently-matriculated , recently-graduated , none (default). Costs extra credits for sorting. recently-matriculated


The response is a list of LinkedIn profile URL of student in a column. One URL per row.

Jobs Formulas

Jobs Listing Count Formula


Example: =SG_JOBS_COUNT("", "software engineer")

Cost: 10 credit

Get the current jobs count of a target company.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL yes The url of the company on LinkedIn.
KEYWORD no The keyword to search for. software engineer
GEO_ID no The geo_id of the location to search for. For example, 92000000 is the geo_id of worldwide. See this article for mapping regions to geo_id input values. 92000000
FLEXIBILITY no The flexibility of the job. Accepts: remote , on-site , hybrid , anything (default). remote
WHEN no The time when the job is posted. Accepts: yesterday , past-week , past-month , anytime (default). past-month
EXPERIENCE_LEVEL no The experience level needed for the job. Accepts: internship , entry_level , associate , mid_senior_level , director , anything (default). entry_level
JOB_TYPE no The nature of the job. Accepts: full-time , part-time , contract , internship , temporary , volunteer , anything (default). entry_level


The response is the number of jobs for a given parameter.

Job Profile Enrichment


Example: =SG_JOB("", "title")

Refer to the Job object.

Cost: 10 credit

Fetch rich data attributes of a job.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_JOB_URL yes LinkedIn URL of the job.
JOB_ATTRIBUTE yes The name of the attribute key you want to enrich with.

Refer to Job for a list of valid attribute keys.


The response of the function depends on the attribute provided.

Search Formulas


Example: =SG_PERSON_SEARCH("US", 10, "Sarah", "Jackson OR Johnson")

Cost: 30 credits per resulted LinkedIn profile URL.

Search person Linkedin profile URL with criterias.


Parameter Required Description Example
COUNTRY yes Located in this country. Case-insensitive Alpha-2 ISO3166 country code. US
MAX_RESULT no Maximum result entries. Default to 10 10
FIRST_NAME no Filter people whose first names match the provided search expression. Sarah
LAST_NAME no Filter people whose last names match the provided search expression. Jackson OR Johnson
EDUCATION_FIELD_OF_STUDY no Filter people with a field of study matching the provided search expression, based on education history. computer science
EDUCATION_DEGREE_NAME no Filter people who earned a degree matching the provided search expression, based on education history. MBA
EDUCATION_SCHOOL_NAME no Filter people who have attended a school whose name matches the provided search expression, based on education history. Caltech OR MIT
EDUCATION_SCHOOL_LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL no Filter people who have attended a school with a specific LinkedIn profile URL, based on education history.
CURRENT_ROLE_TITLE no Filter people who are currently working as a role whose title matches the provided search expression. founder
PAST_ROLE_TITLE no Filter people who have previously worked in a role whose title matches the provided search expression. founder
CURRENT_ROLE_BEFORE no Filter people who started their current role before this date (ISO8601). 2019-12-30
CURRENT_ROLE_AFTER no Filter people who started their current role after this date (ISO8601). 2019-12-30
CURRENT_COMPANY_LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL no Filter people who are currently working at a company represented by this LinkedIn Company Profile URL.
PAST_COMPANY_LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL no Filter people who have previously worked at the company represented by this LinkedIn Company Profile URL.
CURRENT_JOB_DESCRIPTION no Filter people with current job descriptions matching the provided search expression. education
PAST_JOB_DESCRIPTION no Filter people with past job descriptions matching the provided search expression. education
CURRENT_COMPANY_NAME no Filter people who are currently working at a company whose name matches the provided search expression. Stripe OR Apple
PAST_COMPANY_NAME no Filter people who have previously worked at a company whose name matches the provided search expression. Stripe OR Apple
LINKEDIN_GROUPS no Filter people who are members of LinkedIn groups whose names match the provided search expression. haskell
LANGUAGES no Filter people who list a language matching the provided search expression. Mandarin OR Chinese
REGION no Filter people located in a region matching the provided search expression. United States
CITY no Filter people located in a city matching the provided search expression. Seattle OR Los Angeles
HEADLINE no Filter people whose LinkedIn headline fields match the provided search expression. founder
SUMMARY no Filter people whose LinkedIn summary fields match the provided search expression. founder
INDUSTRIES no Person's inferred industry. automotive
INTERESTS no Filter people whose Linkedin interest fields match the provided search expression. technology
SKILLS no Filter people whose Linkedin skill fields match the provided search expression. accounting
CURRENT_COMPANY_COUNTRY no Filter people who are currently working at a company with an office based in this country. Case-insensitive Alpha-2 ISO3166 country code. US
CURRENT_COMPANY_REGION no Filter people who are currently working at a company based in a region matching the provided search expression. United States
CURRENT_COMPANY_CITY no Filter people who are currently working at a company based in a city matching the provided search expression. Seattle OR Los Angeles
CURRENT_COMPANY_TYPE no Filter people who are currently working at a company of the provided LinkedIn type. NON_PROFIT
CURRENT_COMPANY_FOLLOWER_COUNT_MIN no Filter people who are currently working at a company with a LinkedIn follower count more than this value. 1000
CURRENT_COMPANY_FOLLOWER_COUNT_MAX no Filter people who are currently working at a company with a LinkedIn follower count less than this value. 1000
CURRENT_COMPANY_INDUSTRY no Filter people who are currently working at a company belonging to an industry that matches the provided search expression. education
CURRENT_COMPANY_EMPLOYEE_COUNT_MIN no Filter people who are currently working at a company with at least this many employees. 1000
CURRENT_COMPANY_EMPLOYEE_COUNT_MAX no Filter people who are currently working at a company with at most this many employees. 1000
CURRENT_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION no Filter people who are currently working at a company with a description matching the provided search expression. medical device
CURRENT_COMPANY_FOUNDED_AFTER_YEAR no Filter people who are currently working at a company that was founded after this year. 1999
CURRENT_COMPANY_FOUNDED_BEFORE_YEAR no Filter people who are currently working at a company that was founded before this year. 1999
CURRENT_COMPANY_FUNDING_AMOUNT_MIN no Filter people who are currently working at a company that has raised at least this amount of funding (USD). 1000000
CURRENT_COMPANY_FUNDING_AMOUNT_MAX no Filter people who are currently working at a company that has raised at most this amount of funding (USD). 1000000
CURRENT_COMPANY_FUNDING_RAISED_AFTER no Filter people who are currently working at a company that has raised funding after this date. (ISO8601). 2019-12-30
CURRENT_COMPANY_FUNDING_RAISED_BEFORE no Filter people who are currently working at a company that has raised funding before this date. (ISO8601). 2019-12-30
PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_IN_LIST no A list of public identifiers (the identifying portion of the person’s profile URL). Write as a comma-separated list inside square brackets. [williamhgates,johnrmarty]
PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_NOT_IN_LIST no A list of public identifiers(the identifying portion of the person’s profile URL). Write as a comma-separated list inside a square bracket. [williamhgates,johnrmarty]


Data returned Example
LinkedIn profile URL ""


Example: =SG_COMPANY_SEARCH("US", 10, , , "2019-12-30")

Cost: 30 credits per resulted LinkedIn company profile URL.


Parameter Required Description Example
COUNTRY yes Located in this country. Case-insensitive Alpha-2 ISO3166 country code. US
MAX_RESULT no Maximum result entries. Defaults to 10. 10
PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_NOT_IN_LIST no A list of public identifiers (the identifying portion of the company’s profile URL). The target company’s identifier must not be a member of this list. Write as a comma-separated list inside square brackets. [stripe,amazon]
PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_IN_LIST no A list of public identifiers (the identifying portion of the company’s profile URL). The target company’s identifier must be a member of this list. Write as a comma-separated list inside square brackets. [stripe,amazon]
FUNDING_RAISED_BEFORE no Filter companies that have raised funding before this date. 2019-12-30
FUNDING_RAISED_AFTER no Filter companies that have raised funding after this date. 2019-12-30
FUNDING_AMOUNT_MIN no Filter companies that have raised at least this amount of funding (USD). 1000000
FUNDING_AMOUNT_MAX no Filter companies that have raised at most this amount of funding (USD). 1000000
FOUNDED_BEFORE_YEAR no Filter companies that were founded before this year. 1999
FOUNDED_AFTER_YEAR no Filter companies that were founded after this year. 1999
DESCRIPTION no Filter companies with a description matching the provided search expression. medical device
EMPLOYEE_COUNT_MIN no Filter companies with at least this many employees. 1000
EMPLOYEE_COUNT_MAX no Filter companies with at most this many employees. 1000
INDUSTRY no Filter companies belonging to an industry that matches the provided search expression. education
NAME no Filter companies with a name matching the provided search expression. Technology
FOLLOWER_COUNT_MAX no Filter companies with a LinkedIn follower count less than this value. 1000
FOLLOWER_COUNT_MIN no Filter companies with a LinkedIn follower count more than this value. 1000
CITY no Filter companies based in cities matching the provided search expression. Seattle OR Los Angeles
REGION no Filter companies with an office based in this country. United States
COUNTRY no Filter companies with an office based in this country. Accepts a case-insensitive Alpha-2 ISO3166 country code. us


Data returned Example
LinkedIn company profile URL ""


Example: =SG_JOBS_SEARCH("", 10, "software engineer")

Cost: 30 credits per resulted LinkedIn job URL

Fetch job list.


Parameter Required Description Example
LINKEDIN_PROFILE_URL yes The URL of the company on LinkedIn.
MAX_RESULT no Maximum result returned per formula execution. Default: 10. 10`
KEYWORD no The keyword to search for. software engineer
GEO_ID no The geo_id of the location to search for. For example, 92000000 is the geo_id of worldwide. See this article for mapping regions to geo_id input values. 92000000
FLEXIBILITY no The flexibility of the job. Accepts: remote, on-site, hybrid, anything (default). remote
WHEN no The time when the job was posted. Accepts: yesterday, past-week, past-month, anytime (default). past-month
EXPERIENCE_LEVEL no The experience level needed for the job. Accepts: internship, entry_level, associate, mid_senior_level, director, anything (default). entry_level
JOB_TYPE no The type of the job. Accepts: full-time, part-time, contract, internship, temporary, volunteer, anything (default). full_time


The response is a list of Linkedin job URL in a column. One URL per row. Can be used as an input for enrichment with Job Profile Enrichment formula.

Data Specifications


Key Description Example
public_identifier The vanity identifier of the public LinkedIn profile. The vanity identifier comes after the /in/ part of the LinkedIn profile URL in the following format:<public_identifier> "johnrmarty"
first_name Person's first name. "John"
last_name Person's last name. "Marty"
full_name Person's full name (first_name + + last_name). "John Marty"
follower_count Follower count for this profile. 285188
occupation The title and company name of the person's current employment. "Co-Founder at Freedom Fund Real Estate"
headline The tagline written by the person for their profile. "Financial Freedom through Real Estate - LinkedIn Top Voice"
summary A blurb (longer than the tagline) written by the person for their profile. "Most people go through life lost, disengaged, and unhappy at work and in their lives - I'm on a mission to solve that.\n\nI spent 10 years as the founder of Axxis Audio, an electronics company that grew to multi-million dollar sales, which I sold in 2012. At that time, I funneled my earnings into the creation of an Internet of Things company, but numerous factors lead to its demise after 2 hard fought years. \n\nAt 31, I was penny-less, had a baby on the way, and had zero job prospects (despite applying to 150 companies). My desperate situation led me to take a job at Best Buy for $12 an hour while reinventing myself through the completion of an MBA at the University of Colorado, and a 6-month software development boot camp. \n\nAfter graduation, I landed at American Express as a Senior Product Manager and then got poached by Amazon in 2017 (because of my LinkedIn profile). My journey has led to a deep sense of perspective, humility, and purpose that I draw on to help others find clarity, meaning, and happiness in their careers and lives. \n\nCheck out my website for details on my Mindset Reset Podcast, Public Speaking, Consulting, or my free 40 page LinkedIn guide\n\n\n\nFAQ's\n\nQ: Can you speak at my Company, University, event or podcast?\nA: I'd love to! I've shared my message on the future of employment, breaking into big tech, and my personal story of reinventing myself and discovering my sense of purpose (and how you can too!).\n\n\u2611\ufe0f YouTube Channel #1 (John Marty) :\n\u2611\ufe0f YouTube Channel #2 (Tech Careers for non-engineers:\n\nFUN FACTS:\n\u2611\ufe0f I am an Avid cyclist and runner, and I just started learning to skateboard a half-pipe.\n\u2611\ufe0f Into the Enneagram? - I'm a #3 (The Achiever)\n\nLETS CONNECT:\n\u2611\ufe0f Email: [email protected] (don't forget that \"R\"....The other guy gets my emails all the time)"
country The person's country of residence depicted by a 2-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). "US"
country_full_name The person's country of residence, in English words. "United States of America"
city The city in which the person is living. "Seattle"
state The state in which the person is living. "Washington"
languages A comma-separated list of languages that the user claims to be familiar with and has added to their profile. Please note that we do not have the proficiency level as that data point is not available on a public LinkedIn profile. "English", "Chinese", "Japanese"
connection_count Total count of LinkedIn connections. 650
recommendations A comma-separated list of recommendations made by other users about this profile. "Professional and dedicated approach towards clients and collegues."
github_profile_id The profile's Github account. "github-username"
facebook_profile_id The profile's Facebook account. "facebook-username"
twitter_profile_id The profile's Twitter account. "twitter-username"
inferred_salary_min The profile's inferred minimum salary 1300
inferred_salary_max The profile's inferred maximum salary 2500


Key Description Example
starts_at When the entry started, formatted as a date 1/23/2012
ends_at When the entry ended, formatted as a date 1/23/2012
company The company's display name. "Freedom Fund Real Estate"
company_linkedin_profile_url The company's profile URL. If present, could be used with Company profile enrichment Formula for more info. ""
title The person's self-described job title during this position. "Co-Founder"
description The person's self-described job title during this position. "Our mission is to provide everyday people seeking financial freedom long before the age of 65 with the ability to invest in high yield, short-term real estate investments that were only accessible in the past for a select few wealthy individuals. Each of our single family rehab projects require a minimum investment contribution of only $10K, we have simple terms, no multi-year hold periods, and no fees. With our unique model investors can log into our easy to use website, select the projects that they want to invest in, and get realtime updates on the status of their investments.\n\nWebsite:"
location The company's location Denver, Colorado, United States


Key Description Example
starts_at When the entry started, formatted as a date 01/01/16
ends_at When the entry ended, formatted as a date 31/12/18
field_of_study The person's chosen field of study or major "Medical technology"
degree_name The degree the person earned at the end of this education "Msc. Applied and Engineering Physics"
school The name of the school the person attended "Technische Universität München"
school_linkedin_profile_url The LinkedIn profile URL of the school the person attended ""
description The LinkedIn profile description of the school the person attended "- Biomedical engineering / medical physics: Imaging, Therapy - Biomedical computing / medical image processing: Reconstruction techniques, Tracking, Image registration - Light science: Ultrafast laser physics, X-ray imaging"
logo_url The LinkedIn profile image URL of the school the person attended ""
grade The grade for this education 3.2
activities_and_societies The Achievment and experience for this education Merit-based scholarship for the year 2018 (Deutschlandstipendium), Student-initiative "Talente spenden" 2018, Language café 2016-2018


Key Description Example
linkedin_internal_id LinkedIn's Internal and immutable ID of this Company profile. "1441"
description The description of the company from their LinkedIn profile "A problem isn't truly solved until it's solved for all. Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. Bring your insight, imagination and a healthy disregard for the impossible. Bring everything that makes you unique. Together, we can build for everyone.\n\nCheck out our career opportunities at"
website The company's homepage URL ""
industry The industry in which the company operates. This file provides a complete list of possible values for the industry value. "Software Development"
company_size Comma-separated list of company head count, according to our internal metrics. This may be different from LinkedIn's number because we only count public profiles. 10001, null
company_size_on_linkedin Total employee count as shown on this LinkedIn Company profile. 319856
founded_year Year in which the company was founded. 1998
specialities Comma-separated list of specialties. "search", "ads", "mobile", "android", "online video", "apps", "machine learning", "virtual reality", "cloud", "hardware", "artificial intelligence", "youtube", "software"
name The company's name. "Google"
tagline The company's tagline. "Think Different - But Not Too Different"
universal_name_id Company Profile ID that can be used for the LINKEDIN_COMPANY_PROFILE_URL parameter. "google"
profile_pic_url A link (URL) to the company's profile picture. "\u0026X-Amz-Credential=0004d7f56a0400b0000000001%2F20230119%2Fus-west-000%2Fs3%2Faws4_request\u0026X-Amz-Date=20230119T060024Z\u0026X-Amz-Expires=3600\u0026X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host\u0026X-Amz-Signature=0d3500b39da8db1d2d8f5727a9ac39a7c4a88b4632ed68209dee12f06bc79aca"
background_cover_image_url A link (URL) to the company's cover image. "\u0026X-Amz-Credential=0004d7f56a0400b0000000001%2F20230119%2Fus-west-000%2Fs3%2Faws4_request\u0026X-Amz-Date=20230119T060024Z\u0026X-Amz-Expires=3600\u0026X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host\u0026X-Amz-Signature=abb7a4b87583cffda8db24d58d906c644998fae8cbb99e98c69a35720fcd0050"
search_id Useable with Job listing endpoint on Proxycurl "1441"
follower_count The company's total number of followers 27472792
categories Comma-separated list of categories "artificial-intelligence", "virtual-reality"


Key Description Example
country The country in which the company is located, given as an abbreviation "US"
city The city in which the company is located "Mountain View"
postal_code Zip code "94043"
line_1 Line 1 of the address (also known as "street address") "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway"
is_hq Is this the headquarters? TRUE/FALSE TRUE
state The state in which the company is located, given as a postal code "CA"


Key Description Example
funding_type Type of funding "Grant"
money_raised Amount of money raised (USD) 25000000
announced_date Date of announcement, formatted as date 12/23/2012
number_of_investor Number of investors in this round 1


Key Description Example
linkedin_internal_id LinkedIn's Internal and immutable ID of this job posting. "content-strategist-at-microsoft-3257696537"
job_description Description of the posted job. "The Global Demand Center (GDC) within the Cloud Marketing group is leading the marketing transformation of Microsoft’s largest and fastest growing commercial businesses..."
apply_url URL to apply for this job. "\u0026urlHash=I9BQ\u0026trk=public_jobs_apply-link-offsite"
title Title of the posted job. "Content Strategist"
seniority_level The seniority level for this role. "Mid-Senior level"
employment_type Type of employment. "Full-time"
total_applicants Total applicants for this job so far. 200
job_functions Comma-separated list of job functions that this role is expected to cover. Marketing,Sales
location_country Full country name where the job is located. "United States"
location_region Region where the job is located. "Hawaii"
location_city The city where the job is located. null
location_postal_code Postal code of the business location for the job. null
location_latitude Latitude coordinates of the business location for the job. null
location_longitude Longitude coordinates of the business location for the job. null
location_street Street address of the business location for the job. null
company_name The name of the company. "Microsoft"
company_url The LinkedIn Company Profile URL of the job posting company. ""
company_logo The URL to the logo of this company. null

Boolean operators guide for Search

Sapiengraph’s Person Search and Company Search formulas allow you to retrieve precise and relevant results by using a variety of boolean operators. Below is a guide to the supported boolean operators along with examples to help you get started:

Operator Description Example Result
AND or && Finds results containing both terms. =SG_PERSON_SEARCH("US", 10, , , “marketing AND business”) Lists 10 LinkedIn profiles of people based in the US who have both marketing and business in their education history
OR or || Finds results containing at least one of the terms. =SG_PERSON_SEARCH(“US”, 10, “Bill OR William”, “Gates”) Lists 10 LinkedIn profiles of people based in the US with the surname “Gates” and whose first name is either “Bill” or “William”
NOT or - Excludes results containing the specified term. =SG_COMPANY_SEARCH("US", 10, , , , , , , , , , , “NOT automotive”) Lists 10 LinkedIn profiles of companies based in the US that are not in the automotive industry
" … " Finds results with the exact phrase enclosed. =SG_COMPANY_SEARCH("US", 10, , , , , , , , , “medical device”) Lists 10 LinkedIn profiles of companies based in the US that have the exact phrase “medical device” in their description
( … ) Groups search keywords to control the order of logic. =SG_PERSON_SEARCH("US", 10, , , “(computer science) AND business”) Lists 10 LinkedIn profiles of people based in the US who have both computer science and business in their education history
<SPACE> Implies AND between keywords implicitly. =SG_PERSON_SEARCH("US", 10, , , “computer science”) Lists 10 LinkedIn profiles of people based in the US who have computer science in their education history

Utilizing these boolean operators will help you tailor your search queries to find the information you need efficiently within Sapiengraph