Get Fresh

Directly In
Google Sheets

Find emails and phone numbers, automatically enrich CRM, find and screen candidates, and a lot more - all within Google Sheets.

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Some of Our Amazing Customers

Demo It Yourself With These Templates

Ultimate Lead Tracker Template

With just one click, get emails, phone numbers, company, roles, location and more directly in Sheets. Track your leads efficiently daily & monthly, see top leads, discover opportunities and more.

Try template

Ultimate CRM Enrichment Template

Enrich all leads in your CRM with just one click. Automatically get fresh and accurate data directly in Sheets: emails, phone numbers, company, role, industry and more. Maximise the effectiveness of your CRM database.

Try template

Ultimate Applicant Tracking Template

Track candidates, get contact info such as emails and phone numbers, get additional data automatically for background checks and more to hire the best talents for your company.

Try template

Do All These In Your Google Sheets

Data of people

Enrich data of people

Get information of a person including their work history, education background, salary, social media handles and more.

Try the Person Profile Enrichment formula
Email address

Find email addresses

Get personal email addresses of individuals and verify the emails concurrently for deliverability.

Try the Personal Email Lookup formula
Phone number

Find phone number

Get personal contact numbers of people for your cold calling and outreach campaigns.

Try the Personal Contact Number Lookup formula
Lookup people

Lookup people with their emails

Using a person's email, obtain more information about the individual such as full name, job title and company, and more!

Try the Reverse Email Lookup formula
Employee list

Get a company's employees list

List all employees of a company exhaustively for talent search or lead generation together with other Sapiengraph's formulas.

Try the Employees formula
Role & Company

Find people using their role & company

Search for specific group of people based on their job titles and even which companies they are working at.

Try the Role Lookup formula

See All Sapiengraph Formulas

There are formulas for various use-cases such as for people, company, jobs and contact data.

Check them out now

Person Formulas

Get data of individuals, lookup persons, and more!

Check it out

Company Formulas

Get information relating to companies such as it's employees.

Check it out

Contact Formulas

Find phone numbers, email addresses, reverse lookup, and more!

Check it out

Why Sapiengraph?

Work inside
the already-powerful
Google Sheets
Card image cap
Card image cap
Plenty of
data points
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Fresh and
accurate data
One account,
multiple users
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Card image cap

Who Uses Sapiengraph?

For HR

HR & Recruitment

Streamline and automate your recruitment pipeline to hire the best talents with Sapiengraph.

Case 1


In the vast talent pool market, how can I find the perfect candidate for the company and the role?


Our Person Search Formula allows you to search for the ideal candidate based off 45 whooping criteria, ranging from location, past roles and companies, skills, company size and more.

Try the Applicant Tracking Template

“Wow amazing stuff, this tool returns data of people and company within GSheet itself. Helped so much in my work as data team.”

Marcus Hawthorne

“I am thrilled with the capability to effortlessly obtain detailed information from my leads list, all without the need for any coding!”

Naomi Fitzgerald

Ready to kick things off?

Unlock the power of Google Sheets with intuitive formulas that revolutionize data analysis and decision-making effortlessly. No coding required!

Get started for free


Our formulas are credit-based, and our pricing is attractive.

Check it out