Company & Customer Prospector: New Upgrades to the Prospector!
I guess you could say the Sapiengraph Prospector is the gift that keeps on giving.

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Company & Customer Prospector: New Upgrades to the Prospector!

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Didn’t you just launch the People Prospector Beta two weeks ago? 

We did. We’re doing back-to-back feature drops to up, up up the value you get from the Sapiengraph Prospector Beta, at a faster pace. We’re a ship-first-and-learn-after company after all.

Here’s what we’re releasing to you:

  • People Prospector– launched!
  • Company Prospector– launching now!
  • Customer Prospector–  launching now!

A sneak peek at the new Prospectors:

Interface of Sapiengraph's new Company Prospector
The Company Prospector
Interface of Sapiengraph's new Customer Prospector
The Customer Prospector

The ‘Unlock Prospects’ and ‘Export to CSV’ features work just like in the People Prospector. We kept the interface consistent, so you can skip the learning curve and get to navigating immediately.

As a whole, the Sapiengraph Prospector can now do all sorts of thankless jobs for you; like building individual and company lead lists quickly, or helping investors make informed decisions when deal sourcing

If you’d rather jump straight into trying it yourself:

To access the Company & Customer Prospector:

  1. Enter your Sapiengraph Dashboard
  2. Click on Prospector (BETA) on the left navigation bar
  3. Toggle between the ‘Companies’ or ‘Customers’ tab on the top bar

Toggling between People, Company and Customer Prospectors

But if you want the full scoop, read on.

How the Company Prospector helps you

Your ideal customer profile (ICP) is your ticket to raking in the big bucks. You can’t sell until you know who needs you. Like us– we know business owners, recruiters, and sales teams can’t get enough of us (and hey, you might be one of them since you’re reading this).

Already know your highest-value ICPs? Perfect. Instead of manually combing through LinkedIn one target company at a time, our Company Prospector does the heavy lifting for you. 

Adjust a few of our filters and boom– we compile all the companies you want. Now you can spend that time doing things that actually matter (and no, slacking off doesn’t count).

Find companies based on filters

We offer two types of filters: Overview and Advanced Filter.


Overview filters by attributes like industry, company types, and revenue. Our 'industry' attribute matches LinkedIn’s industry categories and even suggests relevant terms as you type.


Auto-complete on industry filter

Picture this: you’re a marketing manager in a cosmetics company. You want to do a competitive analysis and need to identify your competitors. You can broadly search for companies:

  1. in the cosmetics industry
  2. and located in the United States
Result found using overview filter of Company Prospector
Results found using overview filter only

Voilà! Hours of manual compilation automated for you.

Advanced Filter

Advanced Filter filters by additional attributes like employee count, funding amount, and founding year.

You’re a sales executive in a survey management software company, looking for small-medium enterprises to pitch your survey software to. Using these additional attributes, you can pinpoint target companies that are:

  1. in the market research industry,
  2. located in the United States,
  3. and have around 60 employees.
Result found using overview filter of Company Prospector
Result found using overview and advanced filters

Your prospect list is ready! Go knock their socks off with your stellar sales pitch.

How the Customer Prospector helps you

Alright, here’s the real juicy stuff. The feature that other prospectors on the market may not provide. This one’s for you, my fellow B2B folks.

If you’re a new business, you won’t have any customers to even build an ICP or find prospects. You’ll need to learn who’s buying from your competitors instead. 

Our Customer Prospector is practically made for this purpose.

The Customer Prospector uses proprietary technology (a.k.a. our super secret sauce) to identify those customers to win over

How? Simply put, it pieces together clues that indicate that a user is a paying customer of a certain company. 

We’ve even put our own tech to the test when we launched a cold emailing campaign targeting PeopleDataLab customers, for our sister company Proxycurl.

Find competitor’s customers using company name

The results you'll get are B2B companies that are most likely paying customers of your target company. I repeat, businesses, not individuals. 

Simply type the name of your target company (your competitor), and the results will return:

  1. names of companies,
  2. their LinkedIn URLs.
  3. their Twitter URL,
  4. and email addresses on a best-effort basis.
Overview of results from the Company Prospector
LinkedIn URL, Twitter URL and email is retrieved

Once you’re ready to charm these customers, you can either

  • use our People Prospector to hunt down individual contacts at the company
  • or go with the company contact info we’ve gathered here.

Your call!

Note: Our Customer Prospector is still experimental. It’s currently an early preview covering only the top 1M companies globally. Our customer data is not yet exhaustive, so not all companies will return results. It also doesn’t exclude paying customers who have churned.

For the curious, we wrote more on our Customer Prospector’s proprietary tech here. 

Prospector Pricing

Lucky for you, boo for us– both new tools come at no additional cost to your pricing plan

Access to all three Prospectors (People, Company, Customers) is open to everyone, on all plans. It will only use up credits you previously purchased.

The more people get to use our features, the better. You get more value, we get more users :-)

Like the People Prospector, unlocking one prospect will consume 30 credits. 

The cost stays the same whether or not any contact information is found. So if you only want to unlock profiles with contact information, remember to skip any prospects showing 'None Found' in the contact info fields.

Our pricing plans start from $49 a month. 

Build your Company and Customer prospect lists with confidence

I’ve waxed enough lyrical about the Sapiengraph Prospector– it’s time for you to try it yourself.

If this is your first time here, where have ya been?

You get 100 trial credits when you sign up for a Sapiengraph account. We don’t ask for your credit card details until you decide to pay. 

That’s 3 company prospects unlocked for free, with zero obligations. Sound good?

Staying true to our ‘ship-first-and-learn-after’ approach, we need your feedback. The more we know what works (or sucks), the quicker we can make the Sapiengraph Prospector Beta better for you. 

Liked it? Hated it? Spotted a bug? Or just want to say hi? I want to hear it all! Drop us a line at [email protected]

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