how to uninstall sapiengraph
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How To Uninstall Sapiengraph

Colton Randolph

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Let me start this by saying we would prefer if you stuck around, and if there's a particular problem that's causing you to leave, please let us know first by emailing us at "[email protected]" -- we would hate if we lost you to a simple issue that could quickly be solved.

That being said, we understand Sapiengraph might not be the right fit for everyone, so here's how to install it.

Removing Sapiengraph from Google Sheets

First, we need to remove the add-on from Google Sheets.

You'll need to open up Google Sheets and then click "Extensions":

Access extensions tab

Next, click "Manage add-ons".

Then click the icon to the right of "Installed" and uninstall Sapiengraph.

Click uninstall

One step left...

Uninstalling the Google Chrome extension

If you're not using Chrome and instead are using a browser like Edge just simply navigate to where your plugins are at.

Then locate Sapiengraph:

Access extension page

Finally, remove the extension from your browser.

Simple as that.

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Colton Randolph

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