When feeling stuck and unproductive, try to understand the reasons behind it.
When feeling stuck and unproductive, try to understand the reasons behind it.

Feeling Stuck? Stop, Identify and Change

Let's face it, doing marketing and writing work can sometimes be frustrating. We want to see good results, but it takes time to know if we're heading in the right direction. Today, we want to share how we identify when we're feeling low and how we overcome it.

As mentioned before, we're focusing on writing more valuable articles to improve our SEO. However, writing takes a lot of time. Earlier this week, we realized that we were writing slower than expected. This made us anxious because we wanted to deliver quality content quickly. Staring at the screen, we couldn't even get a word out, which made us even more anxious.

When we realized we were stuck, we decided to step away from the office. We asked ourselves, "Why do we feel stuck?"

The answer was our writing speed. So, what exactly was slowing us down? It turned out that we didn't fully understand the particular tool we wanted to introduce (not Sapiengraph, we promise).

This led to another question: why couldn't we understand it? Because we were so focused on writing quickly, we didn't spend enough time exploring the tool.

Now that we knew the problem—lack of understanding of the tool resulting in slow writing—we gave ourselves an hour to figure it out. We put aside worries about the amount of content we wanted to produce because we couldn't create more within an extra hour anyway.

Surprisingly, we didn't even need the full hour. Within just 30 minutes, we fully understood how to use the tool and could continue writing without overthinking.

The issue seemed small, but it taught us a valuable lesson. This approach can be applied to any future situation. When feeling stuck and unproductive, try to understand the reasons behind it. Not enough sleep? Grab a coffee. Waiting to see marketing results? Experiment with something else in the meantime. Most of the time, you'll find that the obstacles are small and easy to overcome.

Raquel Teng

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