Start using Sapiengraph to enrich data in Google Sheets

Getting Started Guide

Getting started with Sapiengraph

Sign up for Sapiengraph

First, sign up for Sapiengraph using your email address. Go to and click "Set up new account" at the top.

Follow the prompts in the signup process

After you click "Set up new account," you'll be prompted to sign in with Google.

Then you'll be prompted to install/enable two things:

  1. A browser extension
  2. A Google Sheets add-on

If you're wondering why we need a browser extension, see: Why Do I Need a Browser Extension?

Enable Sapiengraph in your first spreadsheet

Now it's time to create your first spreadsheet!

  1. Go to and click New -> Google Sheets in the upper-right corner.
  2. Sapiengraph will explain what to do in a quick tutorial there. Read the tutorial instructions.
    • After closing the tutorial, go to Extensions -> Sapiengraph -> Launch Sapiengraph
    • At this point, you may be required to grant permissions to Sapiengraph in Google Sheets
    • Make sure to check your pop-up blocker!

Make your first formulas!

Now it's time to make your first formula! Let's try a couple together.

Company enrichment

First, we'll use the Company Profile Enrichment formula.

Let's use Apple as our example company. We'll get their website for this example, but you can choose to fetch any piece of data from the key column in the Company data specification section.

Here's the code to copy:


Play around with a couple different companies and a couple different keys!

Other company formulas

Some pieces of data about companies require you to use different formulas. For example, if you want to know the office locations of a company, the correct formula is SG_COMPANY_LOCATION.

  • This is a different formula because a location isn't a single value, like "name."
  • Instead, each location has multiple values belonging to itself: city, state, street address, etc.
  • So to let you pick each of these, you have to be requesting a "CompanyLocation" object, and not a Company object.

Here's an example formula:


Person enrichment

Now, let's take a look at the Person Profile Enrichment formula. Let's look up information about Satya Nadella.

In particular, we'll ask for his number of LinkedIn followers:

=SG_PERSON("", "follower_count")

We figured out that follower_count was the correct parameter by looking at available keys in the Person data specification.

Try a couple other keys, and some other profiles!

Other person formulas

Just like with companies, some values are present in "child" objects. You can try out the following formulas:

More formula examples

For more formula examples, see our formula documentation. Here's a list of them all, as of launch:

Every available formula shows at least one example use.

Seeing more info about formulas

There are a couple ways to see more info about formulas. As we just saw, you can look in our documentation.

You can also look directly in the spreadsheet. Start typing a formula name, and then click on it from the drop-down menu:

It'll look something like this, depending on which formula you chose:

Next, click anywhere inside the green formula area. You'll immediately see more information about the formula you want to learn about!

From here, you have two choices:

  1. Proceed to use the formula!
  2. Delete the cell. You got what you came here for, which was the formula docs 💪

Choose a no-commitment subscription plan

Now that you know how to use Sapiengraph, it's time to choose a no-commitment subscription plan. We have no contracts and no hidden fees. You can see the credit cost for every formula you run on the documentation page.

To guarantee you don't get charged when Google refreshes your spreadsheet, we've provided a "Convert all formulas to text" option directly within your spreadsheet. It'll show up when you have "live" formulas (i.e. formulas that aren't converted to text yet):

For more information on converting to text, see: Why Should I Convert My Formulas to Text?

Learn more about Sapiengraph

To learn more about Sapiengraph, check out our launch announcement. You can also read our complete formula documentation.

How to read formula documentation

Here are a couple tips:

  1. Using ctrl+F can be your best friend.
  2. Make use of the table of contents on the left-hand side.
  3. If a formula argument is shown in [], then it's optional.
  4. Feel free to copy-paste examples directly into your spreadsheet! Even if they aren't exactly what you want to do, they can still help you learn how to use a formula. Then, you can edit them later & learn how to use the formulas even better.
  5. If you get stuck, ask! We recommend asking ChatGPT for help, it's great at debugging. If that doesn't work, feel free to reach out. If our documentation is confusing, we need to know so that we can clarify it.

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